A picture note to myself to remind me what to cut off the end of each of the coaches for coupling clearance.
- Extra support for the steps (still robust enough without)
- The cross bar
A nice little box of 2mm nuts and bolts arrived in the post, so now I can redo the connections of the couplings to the bogey wheel sets... right hand side is the new look....
Down the garage for a run test....
Plenty of room for the couplings with the rest of the veranda 'end-bits' added...
very tight but just enough room for the couplings to traverse across to negotiate the Radius 1 curves on my layout...
Thats sorted out the couplings.
Styrene strip has been ordered for the roof rain strips and for detailing the coach sides.
I've also spent some time working out how to do the coach side layout for the Brake Composite coach; I'm going to be lazy and give the guard a larger door, (avoiding a smaller window and filling/sanding etc - keeping it simple).