Friday, 21 October 2022

Locoworks - Bagnall 2-8-2 (wip)

 A first visit to the workshop for the 'big loco'..

The loco which I bought is actually based on a real loco - a Bagnall 2-8-2 similar to this one

(India Railways - Mysore Iron & Steel Company, Bhadravati -2-8-2 steam locomotive Nr. 12 [Bagnall Locomotive Works E2903]).

Taken apart and checking how things fit round tight curves...

front wheel catches and jams a bit.... otherwise looking good
a couple of twisted wires (from an old on/off switch), need sorting out.
The frame, you can see the wear where the wheels rub as they go round. The frame restricts movement so it doesn't go round tight curves....
Part of the plasticard frame marked up and scored ready for removal
all gone....
body refitted and plenty of room for the wheels to move from side to side....
The front wheel problem sorted and the wires soldered; out for trials on the garage layout ....
The loco goes round the tight curves, but the tender won't go with it - the coupling need re-working, also a few other little snags to fettle. Loco back on the shelf for a while - for a 'bit of looking at', while I decide best way to connect the tender.