Thursday, 28 September 2023

K1 Garratt Project (2) - Footplate pivot prototype...

Trying out a pivoting scheme for the footplate; using a selection of nuts, bolts and washers...

The main pivot, a short bolt fitted into the top of the motion casing....

Washer fitted for smoother pivoting...
Yay its level !
assembled with temporary footplate made from a MDF offcut..
run test with weights...
a check that the footplate is same height as other locos...
mock-up trial fit, better on a level footplate... the boiler is a tad long (I'll have to refer to prototype diagram).
now to make up a list of bits to buy, including some material for the footplate and a suitable piece of plastic pipe for the boiler...

1 comment:

The Good Soldier Svjek said...

Oh it's getting technical now , enjoying watching this project.