Saturday 8 June 2024

Track cleaned and trains running....

 Having cleaned the track on the garden layout yesterday, tried to run a train but one of the points had some conductivity problems .. a wire brush on the edge of rails and power restored... 

and I let the little speeder have a few turns round the layout
Time for a decent sized train. a first run outdoors for the K1 Garratt and some 4-wheel coaches.
short video clip (YouTube)...

Sunday 19 May 2024

Sunny Sunday afternoon ...

 Enjoyed the Sunday afternoon sunshine while I ran a short train around the garden layout...

Friday 10 May 2024

K1 Garratt Project (17) - All done and ready for service ....

The loco build project finally finished. Four coats of gloss varnish applied, apart from the smoke box and funnel. Left to harden off for a few days.

A lovely sunny day to pose the loco outside...

As I hadn't cleaned the track in the garden, went into the garage to take some more photos...

and run a small goods train ....

Tuesday 30 April 2024

K1 Garratt Project (16) - into the paint shop...

On the final stretch now with this project; I have given the loco its first coat of paint 

bits separated for final touch-in and application of gloss varnish...

Monday 22 April 2024

Wagon works(5)... new freight vans...

Two new freight wagons finished over the weekend - a Fish Van and a Box Van from Plateway Models kits.

Thursday 11 April 2024

K1 Garratt Project (15) - primed ready for paint job..

 A warm'ish morning today, so I setup my spray booth in the garage. I used some sea grey acrylic spray paint - the loco was given a nice coat as a primer ..

Now it is starting to look the part; current plan is to paint it maroon on the boiler, cab & end tanks; black for the rest, I may leave the wheels in red or touch in with maroon as well.

Wednesday 10 April 2024

K1 Garratt Project (14) - Getting the paint shop ready ...

To give the loco a good base coat I wanted to prime it with some acrylic spray paint. So I improvised a basic spray paint 'booth'; a rummage in the garage yielded a couple of bits of shelving and a couple of large green chopping boards. All screwed together, rather basic but will do the job.

the loco taken apart....
ready to cover the bits that shouldn't be painted; now where did I put the masking tape ?.....

hopefully some warmer weather approaching this coming weekend, I'll set myself up in garage and get spraying....