Tuesday 12 June 2018

Rockery Bottom Halt ....(3) - shelter roof

A further check on things stashed in the garage yielded part of a roll of roofing felt. Great for the halt shelter roof. So suitable pices cut up and stuck in place ..

...the halt gets its final engineers inspection

Friday 8 June 2018

Rockery Bottom Halt ....(2) - platform and shelter

Today had a rummage in the garage for anything else that could be used to improve the look of the halt. I found a couple of smaller ceramic floor tiles, so cut these up and used them for the platform surface.
I took the plastic shelter building indoors for some work.....
 first thing done was to carefully take it apart and tidy up the edges ....
 then stick it back together properly. To help with the finish I used a bit of spare black plastic for the awning roof and part of the old base to cover the gap between the awning and the roof on the front.
 the halt now looks much better
(although I will have to find something to do the shelter roof with - further rummaging for oddments required...)