Sunday, 22 July 2018

Line-side buildings (6) ...refurbishing the shop ..

Of the two shop fronted buildings that I had put aside for refurbishment only one was in a fit state, the other was too worn out - so I kept as many useful bits off it as I could (window frames, moulding and roofing etc). All the bits, ready for assembly etc ...
 Reassembled - the rear - very tired needs a new lick of paint ....
 Front windows re-glazed and fitted, roof re-painted to match the rest of my buildings...
 the back repainted - basic colours with blank black windows made using some plastic offcuts; the back will be obscured by plants so doesn't have to be too detailed
A new base was fitted (an acrylic chopping board), using some fix-it blocks and a couple of screws; then it was off to a position in the town area ...
thats it for linesdide buildings re-vamp; usual maintenance next spring.


The Good Soldier Svjek said...

Looking good , I assume they are taken inside in winter.

tidders said...

the buildings stay out all year round as they are effectively a garden feature - hence why I buy cheap as I can and do regular yearly maintenance. One thing that needs doing is to re-paint all the 'little people', I usually do this over the winter as needed.