Thursday, 27 October 2022

Locoworks - Bagnall 2-8-2 (wip part 2) - Rear Bogey ...

 Decided to have a fiddle with the rear bogey to see if I could fix the last of the clearance problems for tight curves.

cut back the side frame for a bigger slot (easy when the material is plasticard)
then cut a somewhat uneven bit out to allow for better play, to stop it getting stuck as it swings ...
lengthened the connecting bar by 2.5mm so that bogey wheels are centred in the swing gap
Corrections were basically a success, tests on the garage layout gave me mostly free running, a problem with it catching in a couple of other places at extreme edge of the swing as it cornered was easily fixed with a few snips out of the plasticard underframe.

Next job is the tender coupling .....


The Good Soldier Svjek said...

Hmm! that looks fiddly!

tidders said...

a bit of a faff, but worth the effort